Monday, 13 December 2010

What I am currently working on.

Not really a lot of progress on anything in particular just did a little on a number on bits, so I thought I would share them.



Spell Martyr

I really dont know what I want to paint next and so will carry working on all five until I decide which one to finish next!


  1. Ok, how did you do that blue? Very striking yet subtle. The green cloak is also great. Are you using washes to get the colors? If not do tell!

  2. The blue is an almost 50/50 mix of GW Codex grey and Ice blue, washed with a thinned down GW blue wash with a tiny bit of purple in it. There are going to be at least 2 more washes before I even think about starting any highlights.
    The Green on the cloak is Vallejo green grey washed in brown and then green, it shows a bit on the edge of the cloak but I wanted random patches of colour on it so it felt more organic.
