Wednesday, 8 December 2010

pKaya vs eVlad

Well I played Tom this evening, it went badly wrong!

He did indeed take the list I thought he would and I was just not prepared for how tough Khador stuff actually is, evening with boosting the damage on my Warpwolf I only managed a couple of points of damage each swing. Also Manhunters are sick with hand of fate and Vlads feat, I just couldn't take the hits and then get away!

I am going to rethink my list a bit and probably get a new caster, most likely eKaya, Kromac or Cassius.

Did take a couple of photos during the game, sorry about the quality but they where taken on my iPhone.

Also gave Chris an intro game, he enjoyed it and is thinking of getting a small army (15 points) for when he doesnt feel like playing 40k. The demo game was not ideal due to us only having cards for circle and Khador so had to do warmachine versus hordes!

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