Thursday, 2 December 2010

Painting plan for December

As I have a little time off for Christmas I thought I would try to work out a plan of what to paint so that I have a painted army of models I will actually use. Now there are a couple of problems, firstly I know I am getting some stuff for Christmas but dont know entirely what yet and I may end up working over the Christmas break which will put a dent into my painting time.

So my painting plan is something like this -

Now - Gorax, it has the first base coat on it currently and tonight will get a second layer (if needed) and the first wash over the flesh.

Next - Blackclad Wayfarer - I have a feeling this is going to take a little bit of time due to the insane armour, however I really would like to finish it before my game with Tom on Wednesday.

Next week - Druid Wilder and Morvahna, both of these have been started and so really shouldn't take that much time.

After that I dont know, it depends on what I get for Christmas but I am thinking that ether a unit of bloodtrackers or bloodweavers would be a good idea and I know that these where ordered in at my local FLGS I am just not sure if someone has picked them up for me as a present.

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