Sunday, 31 October 2010

Saturday, 30 October 2010

On the painting desk this weekend

Currently on my painting desk at the moment -

Unbuilt -
Legion Stinger x 2
Circle Lord of the Feast
Cygner Lancer

Built -
Legion Shredder x 2
Legion Carnivean

Primed -
Circle Argus
Cygnar Commander Coleman Stryker
Circle Kaya the Wildborn

Started -
Cygnar Ironclad

Currently working on -
Circle Argus

The Germans are coming!

As someone mentioned it, here are some of my Flames of War model, from my (mostly unpainted) Panzer Grenadiers.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

First game of Hordes

Played Tom tonight at Hordes and think I have sold him on it, winner! This means that hopefully my local gaming shop will start stocking a small range of Warmachine and Hordes stuff.

We played 2 games, swapping side between the 2. Legion of Everblight Vs Circle Orboros.

Oh I lost twice!

Why I am beginning to hate Games Workshop

I have been playing GW games for the best part of the last 20 years but recently I have been going off there games for a number of reasons.

1 - Cost - Games Workshop seem to charge almost as much for plastic models as they do for there metal ones. For example Dark Eldar Kabalite warriors cost £15 for 10 or £1.50 a model, considering that will need at least 20 or 30 for a functioning army thats £45 straight out and you will also need a HQ to lead them which is another £10 roughly meaning that your basic force (with no upgrades or vehicles) is going to cost at least £55. The fantasy range is even worse with the Goldswords or Costigors running at £25 for 10.

2 - Rules -  40K used to be fun but with the rise of the net-list most tournament armies are simple cookie cutter builds using stuff known to work, this has also started to bleed over in to Fantasy recently. Also I find the "dumbing down" of the rules somewhat annoying, I assume this to appeal to GW`s target market - the 12 - 16 year olds who just bug there parents to buy them the latest stuff. Also whenever a new edition on a core game comes out it makes a number of models unusable, here is an example This model can not be used anymore as the options modeled on to it are no longer in the army list!

3 - The company its self - GW used to be run by gamers for gamers, now it is run by accountants for the shareholders. The effect of this is that every single opportunity to push an over priced product is taken. There are all kinds of horror stories on the net about pushy GW sales people trying desperately to sell inappropriate stuff to customers. I asked my girlfriend to get me a couple of imperial guard bits from a GW once, she was in there for about 25 minutes and in that time the staff tried to sell her a black reach box set, a starter paint set, a Baneblade and an Ork Stomper. None of this would have been that bad except she had a list of what to buy and only asked the staff to help her find 3 boxes (Cadian shock troops, Cadian heavy weapons and a Chimera), they told her that I wouldn't want any of that (I did) and that starting new army was the best thing to do!

4 - The Website - The old GW website was full of interesting articles, painting tips and other such stuff. The new site is just one big E-shop, with a smattering of articles whose only real purpose is to sell more stuff.

5 - Refusing to support tournaments and events not run by GW - The biggest Warhammer tournament in the world (the ETC) had no official presence from GW, considering that people traveled from all over the world to play GW could at least have had a trade stand. At Salute this year there was no presence from GW except third party retailers selling there products.

6 - Specialist Games - These are some of the best games ever produced by GW and they leave them to rot as they dont sell enough models.

7 - The great cease and desist purge - Games Workshop hired a new head of legal, her first actions where to go on a purge of fan sites on the internet with the aid of a very large number of C + D letters mostly to fans running websites.

So with this in mind over that last couple of months I have been looking around at other companies and have come up a couple of games that I like namely Malifaux and Warmachine/Hordes. Both companies seem to embrace the internet and actively communicate with there fans via forums (which GW did away with some years) coupled with the fact that both game systems use a lot fewer models than almost all GW games makes them an attractive option.

So with this in mind at some point over the weekend I will be putting a large amount of stuff on to Ebay. At the moment I am playing to sell -

Half built High elf army.
A load of IG stuff still on sprues.
The army books / Codex's for armies I dont own.
Most of the random models I have laying around.

I am going to keep my IG and Vampire armies for the time being and may well continue to paint my Space Wolves only because these are the games I can find an opponent for.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

My Legion of Everblight models

I painted these a while ago and thought I would share a photo.

Tonights painting

All I have managed to paint this evening are the straps for the armour on my Warpwolf.

Hopefully at the weekend I will pick up a Malifaux starter set, which should give me something new and fun to paint. Still trying to decide which set to get first, Lady Justice or the Redchapel Gang.

Also I think the photos are looking better now, what do you think?
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Gaming and me.

Well it finally happened, I have gone off Warhammer and 40k!

Later on today I am going to ebay off the half build High elf army I have for WFB and may start to sort out other random GW models I have laying around.

Going to keep my rather large VC army for Fantasy as well as my IG and Space Wolves for 40k.

Going to use the money to buy Malifaux stuff as it is a very nice game that I can (if I ever talk her into it) play with my girlfiend.

Awesome paintjobs

I really like Les Bursleys videos on YouTube

Check them out

Monday, 25 October 2010

Gap filling

This is partly a test and partly because it is what I am doing at the moment.

Hordes Warpwolf WiP

More photos, hopefully I am getting better at photographing my miniatures.

Squirrel riding Wookie Nazi hunter!

Really, see -

There really is nothing else to say about this!

Picture stolen from my brother.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

End of the weekend

Right of to bed soon, here is what is on my painting desk at the moment.

I may go back to space wolves sometime this week, however Wednesday is going night so will not get anything done then.

I think I am getting the hang of using this camera

Second wash

More Warpwolf pics, I am really enjoying painting this!

Also I am still playing with the camera settings.